We’re humbled and thrilled to have been nominated for the Minnesota’s Best Award in the categories of Ag Lender, Bank, Financial Services Customer Service and Mortgage Services. Please vote for us at https://www.votemnbest.com/FarmersandMerchantsBank.
This recognition means the world to us, and we’d be honored to have your support. Your vote would not only validate our hard work but also inspire us to continue delivering excellence.
Casting your vote is quick and easy. You can VOTE DAILY from now through March 12th at https://www.votemnbest.com/FarmersandMerchantsBank. Thank you in advance for your vote of confidence and support. It’s customers like you who make us love what we do even more.
** There is another F&M Bank in the running. We are listed as Farmers and Merchants State Bank! So please be sure to vote for us!**